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Bridgeport Founders' Day

Saturday, March 29, 2025 
12:00-4:00 PM

Bridgeport Borough Hall
63 W 4th Street

Rain date: Sunday, March 30

About Us

We can't wait to have you join us for our third annual Founders' Day event! Make sure to check out all of the info on this page to learn more about what to expect for this year.

A bigger and better event for 2025

There will be exciting activities for all ages including raffle prizes for participating in our event-wide scavenger hunt, museum exhibits for Bridgeport historians, an opportunity to support our local businesses at the vendor fair, lifetime award presentations focused on our small business community, and a beer garden for those over 21 years of age.

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Chili Cook-Off Competition

The fun behind Founders’ Day is celebrating our community’s roots and our ties to long-held traditions, so why don’t you join us in sharing your family’s secret chili recipe? A local fan favorite, chili cook-off competitions are always a fun event. If you don’t have a recipe to share but still want to join in the fun, anyone is welcome to participate as a taster/judge for only $5! You can pay by cash or Venmo at the event.

How Does it Work?

For Bridgeport Borough’s first-ever Chili Cook-Off Competition, a select few chili chef extraordinaries will compete for a $50 prize and the honor of being crowned Bridgeport’s best chili chef! Think you’ve got what it takes to best everyone else’s recipes? Apply for your spot by March 14 for your chance to enter the competiton here!

2025 Founders' Day Swag

Want to help remember this festive day with some swag? This year, we’re fundraising for an even bigger and better Founders’ Day 2026 with Bridgeport-themed magnets! Make sure to visit the Information Booth at the event, and you can secure your piece of Bridgeport history for only $5 payable by cash or Venmo.

BPT Bridgeport, PA Magnet
Support Founders' Day by purchasing a BPT magnet at the event's Information Booth!

2025 Schedule of Events

*Schedule subject to change*

Main Exhibit (Borough Hall) Vendor Fair (Borough Hall lot), Beer Garden (Borough Hall lot), Craft Area (Borough Hall), and 50/50 Raffle (Info Booth) Open

Chili Cook-Off Competition Opens (Public Works garage)

Bridgeport Lifetime Award Presentations for Dennis Demetris, Dr. George Homa, & Lauren Lattanze and Filmed Interview Screening (Borough Hall)

Chili Cook-Off Competition Judging (Public Works garage)

50/50 Raffle Drawing (Info Booth)

Special Thanks to Our 2024 Sponsors
(2025 business registration will begin in January 2025, so stay tuned!)

For providing the incredibly durable banner at Borough Hall

For the award winner plaques

For their raffle donation

For hosting the beer garden

For their raffle donation

For the Schedule of Events Sign & A-Frame donation

Founder Level Sponsors

Historian Level Sponsors

Local Hero Level Sponsors

Founders' Day Maps

Missed Founders’ Day 2023? Want to go over the map exhibit again? Now you can! See the links below to take you to each of the seven maps that were on display during the event.

Montgomery County

The Dam


Montgomery, Pennsylvania

Growth of Bridgeport

Bridgeport, Pennsylvania – 1870

Swedes’ Ford